Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the greatest of them all?

Recently, I was going through a season of self-doubt. God was asking me to do something BIG that required me to step out of my comfort zone. He was asking me to start this blog.

God has revealed some pretty wild things to me and guided me down unexpected paths many times, but starting a blog? That never even crossed my mind. I’ve always loved to write, and I know it’s one of my callings, but the idea of starting a blog was completely foreign to me. Honestly, I didn’t even know much about blogs until God prompted me to start one, and I had to look up what they were all about. And now, here I am!

But it wasn’t that easy. Battling self-doubt was tough. There were moments I felt like giving up because I didn’t believe I was capable of achieving anything great. I’m sharing this with you because I want you to know that if you’re ever feeling like you just aren’t good enough or you’re finding every reason why you can’t do something, you’re not alone.

During seasons like this, it’s so important that you remind yourself of who God says you are and to take every though captive and counter it with the truth of what God says about you.

God believes in you. Did you know that?

He believes you are capable of accomplishing great things. Even Jesus said we would do greater works than he did (John 14:12).

With God, the impossible becomes possible. He can turn your dreams into reality. I’m sharing this with you because He’s done it for me! He made my dreams come true and he continues to do this each and every day that I walk with Him. I could never have done any of this or be where I am at today without Him.

One night, I was going through my usual nighttime routine—taking a shower and getting ready for bed. You know how when you take a really hot shower, the bathroom mirror fogs up? Well, I had just finished a boiling hot shower, and the mirror was completely fogged. The steam was so thick that even the bathroom fan couldn’t keep up. Normally, the fog clears up within a few minutes after I finish, but this time it didn’t. I left the bathroom and went about doing other things around the house, but every time I passed by, I noticed the mirror was still foggy. I thought, “That’s strange. It’s not even humid in here anymore, and the mirror’s still not clearing.” It had been over like 15 minutes, and that definitely wasn’t normal for me.

I walked back in to brush my teeth, and what I saw stopped me in my tracks. The mirror was still fogged, but in the middle of it were drops of condensation in the shape of a giant cross. As soon as I seen the cross, I immediately felt God’s presence. It was wild. I wish I’d taken a picture. The cross was so distinct it looked as if someone drew it on the mirror.

I should mention that before my shower, I had spent some time with God, and I was really letting Him know how I felt. I was frustrated and upset, telling Him I just couldn’t do this. I gave Him every reason why I wasn’t capable. I was drowning in self-doubt. So, when I saw that cross and felt God’s presence, I was immediately filled with shame and embarrassment. I wanted to run and hide. It reminded me of how Adam and Eve hid from God in the garden because of their shame. I felt like I didn’t deserve to hear from Him after pouring out all my frustration. I quickly left the bathroom, trying to brush it off. But then, it hit me—why was I feeling shame? Because of Jesus, I can boldly approach the Father. I don’t have to run or hide. He loves me, and nothing can change that.

I returned to the bathroom a few minutes later and guess what? THE CROSS WAS STILL THERE. At this point, I felt like I couldn’t run anymore.

Have you ever given someone the cold shoulder or used the silent treatment, and then found yourselves in the same room, just sitting in that awkward tension, both wondering who would be the first to break the silence? That’s exactly how it felt—except I was the only one holding onto that attitude. God never treats me that way. And eventually, I cracked

I stood there in front of the mirror and said, “Okay God, I get it. I see the cross on the mirror but I can’t see myself. I need to see myself so I can floss and brush my teeth.”

I know I could have done both of those things without a mirror, but I was just being stubborn.

And God replied, “That’s all you need to see.”

Then He said, “When you look in the mirror, I need you to see Me in you.”,

I stood there quietly, head bowed, and then He asked:

“Do you really believe that I live within you?”

“Do you believe that if I am within you, you will not fail?”

I said, “I do…” I felt sad because I did believe those things but I also had some areas of little faith that He revealed to me.

Then God said, “Daughter, If I am in you, you will not fail.”

As I lifted my head up, my eyes met a frame I have on the bathroom shelf that says “God is within her, she will not fall (Psalm 46:5 NIV).”

You see, for God to continue developing, molding, and shaping me to be more like Christ, He needed me to reach a place where I could truly see and believe that He lives within me! God cannot fail and if He lives inside of me, then I cannot fail at what He is calling me to do.

Friends, we must sharpen our swords with the word of God so we can take every thought captive and stand firm in God’s truth (2 Corinthians 10:5 ASV). I encourage you to grow deeper in your relationship with God and take the time to understand that He lives within you. His spirit dwells in you. He is with you wherever you go.

God says:

You are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)

You are forgiven (Ephesians 1:7)

You are holy (Ephesians 4:24)

You are loved (John 3:16)

You are blessed (Psalms 115:15)

You are chosen (1 peter 2:9)

You are strong (Isaiah 40:31)

You are victorious (1 John 5:4-5)

I encourage you to meditate on these truths. Don’t just read them, SPEAK them ALOUD, BELIEVE them, RECEIVE them, DECLARE them over your life until you begin to see yourself for who you really are. I hope next time you look in the mirror, you can confidently believe that the GREAT I AM (Exodus 3:14) lives within you.

Blessings to each one of you..

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